How To Transition Your Skincare from Winter to Spring

Now that the sun is shining, it’s time to ditch your heavy creams, introduce an SPF, and get your skin prepped for spring. We’re taking you through our guide on all things men’s skincare.


Buff The Dead Stuff Away

Winter meant months of drier, flakier skin so it’s a good idea to exfoliate all the dead layers away. You can do this with either a chemical exfoliant like glycolic acid or a physical exfoliant like a gentle scrub or bristled brush. 

Take exfoliation slow if you’re new to it so that you don’t damage your skin barrier.

Protect Your Skin Post Shave

Why use aftershave? Aftershave is used to re-hydrate your skin once you’ve shaved. Shaving can dry out the skin and cause it to feel tight, so including a good aftershave in your routine will help it feel less prickly post-shaving.

You can grab our very own El Barbero Aftershave in our shop!


Switch Up Your Face Cream

You may have been packing on a heavy face cream for that flaky winter skin. But now that spring is here and the weather is warmer with more humidity, your skin will be able to hold onto more of that moisture naturally. That means that you can swap out your face cream for a lighter variety, or even one that’s a gel formula.

Dress Up That Beard

While you’re moisturizing your skin, have you thought about your beard? Beard oil is a conditioner used to moisturize and soften beard hair, and it’s also effective for moisturizing the hard-to-reach skin beneath your beard. 

For a fuller, softer and tamer beard, reach for Layrite’s grooming essentials, available in our shop.


SPF Always

While you should be using an SPF all year round, it’s especially important as the sun becomes hotter. Look for an SPF 30 minimum, and make sure this is your last step in your skincare routine.


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